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Brisket turducken short loin, ball tip capicola chicken kevin tongue burgdoggen…
Open Hours: Weekdays 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
0758 987 6543
What we offer
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What people say
Greenora Organics is the best at providing farm management services! Great help!
The fruits and vegetable that we bought on this farm were the most fresh and delicious ever!
Never been more satisfied with the services provided by any agricultural company!
Everything organic! No need to worry about quality of Greenora's products!
Our blog
Brisket turducken short loin, ball tip capicola chicken kevin tongue burgdoggen…
Turducken ground round strip steak cow tenderloin t-bone ham hock ham…
Key Points To Choose
Greenora only uses natural fertilizers to grow our best fruits and vegetables and provide our customers with organic food.
About us2569 Storm Field, Maybach, CA 01296
Phone: 0758 987 6543
Fax: 0758 987 6543
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